021222 3608 water@univ.jfn.ac.lk

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WASPAR – Multi-Stakeholder Approach for Water Security
in Northern Province, Sri Lanka: Through Participatory Action

Project Brief : Water security is a major challenge in the Northern Sri Lanka which is dependent on underground water in the absence of any river. Establishment of a dedicated and sustainable involvement of stakeholders is a must to ensure water security. Aim of this project is to establish a stakeholder forum for multilevel and inter-sectoral water governance in a divisional secretariat division and  the Northern Provincial level in Sri Lanka.

To address the multi-faceted and complex scenario of water resource availability and sharing in the Northern Province through novel and alternative models of decision making and governance, informed by theories and practice from Socio-hydrology and Environmental Communication.


  1. To establish an interactive digital knowledge portal as a community resource for improved water governance and security in the Northern Province
  2. To test the viability of a multi-actor Water Platform at Divisional level and Provincial level as a dialogue and deliberative space for collective ownership and co-design capacity
  3. To develop participatory planning and citizen-engagement as practice for policy making, regulation and governance of water resources in the Northern Province.

Project Flow Diagram